coworking trends in 2023

Coworking Statistics & Trends You Must Know In 2023

Insights and Analysis 16 Mar 2023 247 Views

The word, “coworking” first saw daylight in 1999 when a game developer, author, and lecturer, Bernard DeKoven used it to explain a new way of working with abolished hierarchies and more flexibility. However, the first coworking trends emerged in the mid-2000s with a more flexible and collaborative workspace solution.

The first ever coworking space which emerging upon the scene in 2002 is regarding as the ‘mother of coworking trends’ and is functional to this day in Austria. This space was built in an old factory and was the most inclusive entrepreneurial centre of its time. Fast forwaring to later years, shared office spaces have become widespread around the globe as they became popular among the freelancer, entrepreneurial, and remote workers’ community.

Most of the people that shifted to coworking spaces were those that were seeking an alternative to working from home. In the years that followed, coworking spaces saw an exponential rise, with new companies joining and existing ones expanding their service. Today, coworking has become a global phenomenon, with thousands of spaces located in cities around the world.

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Current State Of Coworking

In today’s world, the trend of freelancing and remote workers has been extremely popular. Post-covid people are trying to save costs and also diversify their income stream. And therefore have opted for the gig economy. These people require a dedicated office setup at an affordable price. To work from and coworking spaces provide them with this solution easily. 

Co-sharing office spaces offer state-of-the-art facilities to its members with shared amenities that is deem necessary in the corporate world. These spaces are inclusive, and collaborative and are known to boost worker motivation along with productivity. 

Coworking spaces in today’s world are not mere workspace solutions but are sophisticating business hubs that come with networking opportunities, educational seminars, and mentorship services. The workforce at coworking involves startups, small and medium-sized businesses, freelancers, and multinational companies. 

It is predicted that the global coworking industry will be worth more than $13 billion by the year 2025. With more than 6000 coworking space-only operations in the USA, the world will see a great shift towards these creative workspaces from the typical four-walled corporate world. 

The services commonly offered by coworking spaces worldwide include flexi spaces, designated desks, meeting rooms, team rooms, and shared desk services. The open-plan layout of shared workspaces offers a productive environment for different jobs. Furthermore, coworking is in demand mostly because of how it significantly reduces the overhead operational costs of businesses. 

From small businesses to young entrepreneurs and solopreneurs, everyone prefers joining a coworking space rather than investing in real estate and building one’s own office from scratch. It allows companies and individuals to focus more on scaling up their businesses by easing their budgetary constraints. 

Moreover, coworking companies offer their clients to use their services on a pay-as-you-go type of method which gives workers the full autonomy to choose a plan that best suits their individual and company requirements. 

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4 Coworking Trends That Will Dominate The World In 2023

With more than 28,000 coworking spaces operational worldwide the utility of these spaces seems to be growing exponentially. The trends that will shape the business in 2023 include factors that will enhance the type of services and amenities coworking spaces offer. The top 4 trends that coworking spaces worldwide will accommodate in 2023 are discussed below:

  • The Rise of Niche Coworking Spaces

It is predicting that in 2023, there will rise in the number of niche coworking spaces. Niche coworking spaces is design for a specific industry or worker type. For example, there can coworking spaces that are specifically design for only freelancers, whereas there can another one that only houses software engineers and coding professionals. These types of coworking are designed specifically in accordance with their member’s needs and only provide services that the type of industry they house requires. 

The technology, equipment, services, events, and networking opportunities. Are all specific to the type of workforce. The demand for niche coworking spaces is dictating several factors. Such as the need for specialized and experienced professionals in one place. These types of co-working spaces boost collaboration and innovation potential. Another reason for the need for niche coworking spaces is that people now demand more than just desk and chair facilities from a coworking space. 

Now people want a flexible workspace that fosters an environment of collaboration and community. Niche coworking spaces are well-equipped to meet the particular demands of different industries. 

  • The Launch of the Hybrid Coworking Space

Hybrid coworking spaces are also known as flexi-spaces, and they are gaining a lot of popularity as a new model of workspace solution. These spaces are an amalgamation of traditional office spaces and coworking, providing workers with the best of both worlds. 

The rise of hybrid coworking is due to the fact that workers are increasingly looking for flexibility in their work arrangements. They want freedom and autonomy in their schedules by getting opportunities for remote work and also flexible timings. 

In the existence of a hybrid coworking space, people get to experience flexibility while also availing the benefits of a corporate environment, with fixtures like a dedicated desk and access to meeting rooms.

  • Focus on Wellness & Sustainability

A new trend that will dominate the coworking industry in 2023 is sustainability and wellness. More and more spaces are emerging that promote and emphasize the importance of an ergonomically efficient workspace. 

Therefore, people in 2023 will demand coworking spaces to design. In a way that is healthy for long hours of work and does not have a negative toll on workers. Moreover, a shared office space is much more sustainable than having separate office spaces for different companies as coworking saves space and other precious resources. With a focus on sustainable expansion in 2023 coworking spaces will continue to dominate the world.  

  • Growth of Coworking in Suburban Areas

One of the reasons why coworking will branch out into suburbs in 2023. So because of the changing nature of work. As more people are joining the global workforce as remote workers. There is a growing demand for coworking spaces outside of urban areas.

Workers in the suburbs may find it convenient to work in a nearby coworking space. Rather than commuting to the city every day or working from home.

To Sum It Up

In conclusion, in the times to come as people look for sustainable and cost-effective workspace. Solutions the popularity of coworking spaces will only increase. Therefore, it will prove beneficial for these spaces to adapt to newer trends. To stay ahead of their competition and provide better and unique services to their client base.

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